Blessings on your upcoming marriage!

We believe the union of husband and wife in marriage was part of God’s good design in creation. God intends marriage for mutual joy, and for the building and nurturing up of the couple as well as for the benefit of the community around them. And, should it be God’s will, it is where children are born, nurtured, and their own faith is fostered as well. 

Pre-Martial Counseling

No one ever fully knows what they are getting into when they get married—but we want to provide tools for you, as best we can, for this lifelong commitment. If you’re planning a wedding which a minister at the church will officiate, please contact us at so we can schedule pre-marital counseling as part of the planning process.  

Such counseling aims to help the couple come to mutual and shared understanding of strengths and weaknesses, stressors, shared goals, and learn how marriage connects with their faith.