What comes to mind when you hear “Baptists”?

Maybe some good memories of a potluck or hymn sing or revival you once attended. Perhaps, a joke. Or, maybe something more negative – like Bible-Thumpers who yell or shout hellfire and brimstone.

Some baggage has sometimes been associated with the word “Baptist” – leading some Baptist Churches to stop using the name altogether. We believe that, while we are a flawed group of people (like all Christians), there is much to value about being Baptist. Though, of course, it is always secondary to what we value about being Christians – and brothers and sisters of Christians in other Christian groups and denominations.

Bible Freedom

The Bible is central to the Christian Faith. We believe that every Christian has the freedom and right to interpret and apply Scripture under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. This should be informed and nurtured by the congregation and larger community of faith.

Soul Freedom

We are each accountable to God individually without anyone standing “in the middle” seeking to control us via creeds, clergy, or government. This personal experience with God is indispensable to the Christian life and necessary for a vital church. Sometimes described as the "priesthood of all believers," this means that we not only serve as our own priests, but that we are also called to serve one another as priests.

Church Freedom

Baptist churches are free, under the Lordship of Christ, to determine their membership, leadership, doctrine and practice. This is sometimes known as "autonomy of the local church." Individual churches frequently partner with other like-minded churches to achieve goals that one church by itself could not achieve.

Religious Freedom

Everyone should be able to worship (or not) as they feel led without unnecessary interference by a government. By insisting on the freedom to practice our own religion, we recognize that true freedom also includes the freedom to practice differently or practice no religion at all.