The Forever Young Friends (FYF) is a newly formed group that meets the second Monday of each month at noon.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  Lunch is held at the church or at one of our favorite restaurants.   

The purpose of this ministry is:

To Bring People to Christ

Fellowship with others and have a closer relationship with God. 

To Minister

Minister to the church and community needs – through mission projects, worship, prayer, guest speakers, games, activities, events, trips, weekday Bible study and other areas where Adult Ministries can be of assistance.   

To Encourage Others to Minister

Recognize members who are willing to share their wisdom, experience, knowledge, talents, and other God given abilities and gifts. 

  • Our goal is to include as many folks as possible and provide varied interests so everyone can find something they enjoy.  

Everyone is welcome to attend!

    Rev. Susan Prather

Associate Pastor - Youth and Children

(804) 937-2392