The Book

The Book


The key thing about a book is that you lose yourself in the author’s world. — Jeff Bezos


Who wrote the Bible?  Many authors over the course of many centuries, yes, but the real author is GOD.  From the creation stories of Genesis to the stirring visions of Revelation, God share HIS-story and His will for the world and our individual lives.  Why would we neglect such an important book?  God intends for us to lose ourselves in His world.  To ignore God’s blueprint for humanity leads to an evil distortion and causes untold amounts of suffering and pain.

Yes, the Bible is not always easy to understand.  Some parts are clear to us, while other parts leave us scratching our heads.  That’s why knowing the background stories is helpful.  We can’t jerk verses out of context to build our personal petty theology.  We cannot read into the Bible and make it what we wish; we need to let the Bible read us and make us what God wishes.


So, don’t take your Bible for granted.  Don’t miss the drama, passion, honesty, and wisdom of God’s Word. – Read it, know it, live it.  Just a little each day is a boost to the mind and heart.  Reflecting on its meaning with others allows us to discover new truths.  Lip-service to the Bible is nothing, so let’s open our eyes to the pages and our hearts to the message.


                         God’s best to you,
