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Text: John 11:17-38
Title: The Great I Am- The Resurrection & the Life
Message Notes:
“The Resurrection and the Life”
1. Jesus knows us.
Jesus knows the end of this story. And he knows us.
He is the resurrection and the life.
2. Jesus loves us.
“[D]eeply moved,” comes
from the same Greek word that describes a horse snorting.”
Jesus is overcome with emotion, upon seeing the people mourn.
Karl Barth put it this way:
“His weeping with them means that He is fighting for them….”
3. Jesus is able. He is Lord over life and death.
– Abide (Because God knows us): with Jesus and mourn with those who mourn; and rejoice with those who rejoice.
– Hope (Because God loves us): in joy, that our sadness does not have the finals say.
– Submit (Because God is able): The Lord who has given us a future, even when it seems we have none.
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