From the Pastor Not There Yet
The Christian is not one who has gone all the way with Christ. None of us has. The Christian is one who has found the right road. — Charles L. Allen
At Christmas we are reminded that Jesus came to save us from sin… and ourselves. As the model human being… the very image, imprint, and character of God in a human life… Jesus demonstrates what we all should be. To believe that is to take up the challenging goal of perfect moral, ethical, and practical living.
How are you doing with that? Falling short? Welcome to the club! We are all in good company with the Apostle Paul who confessed to the believers at Philippi that while he WANTED to be just like Jesus, he knew full well what a screw-up he was and that he was still working on it. (Philippians 3:12-16) THAT is you and me… still working on it. But if we trust and try to imitate Jesus, we are on the right road!
The GPS on our phones are (usually) very helpful in keeping us on the right road. The key is to enter an accurate location for our destination and then to listen to the GPS voice when it tells us to turn right or left.
Take time this Christmas season to see if your spiritual GPS destination is set on Christ. The magi of the Christmas story found their way to Him. We try to do the same because He is THE way to eternal, meaningful, fulfilling life.
God’s best to you,