From the Pastor… Internal Parasites
Resentments and grudges are two of the main culprits that perpetuate cycles of self-abuse and victimhood. Stowed away inside you like parasites, they deplete you of your God-given life force and separate you from your inherent worth, your joy, and the love in your heart. — Debbie Ford
If you were diagnosed with a tapeworm or some other internal parasite, you would do everything you could to get it out of your body. It doesn’t belong there and will only do its damage. – Likewise, as Ford points out, resentments and grudges are two internal parasites people hold on to, to their detriment. – Why?
The human ego is good at playing the victim card. When hurt or wounded, we want to defend ourselves, justify ourselves, and get revenge. It may have happened long ago, but the ego hasn’t forgotten. As a matter of fact, the pain is regularly refreshed, amplified, and rehearsed. At worst, it becomes an obsession. – Too bad. We only hurt ourselves.
Paul’s advice to Christ-followers is priceless, practical, and proven to be the way to spiritual, mental, emotional health: Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. – Ephesians 4:31-32
In short, it’s by letting go (forgiving) that we are freed from the parasites of resentment and grudges. They no longer sap the life out of us. They cannot stop our joy of living in the moment when we free ourselves from the past. – So, if you find some of these parasites turning up in the X-ray of self-reflection, take the medication of Christ right now!
God’s best to you today,