Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering, ‘It will be happier.’ — Alfred Lord Tennyson
We usually enter a new year feeling that we have a fresh start. Resolutions are made to improve our lives one way or another. There is a sense of starting over. We hope for good things to come our way. But there are no guarantees. There never are, except when it comes to the promises of God.
So, go ahead and hope. God wants us to do that. Hope is positive, upward, aspirational, even ambitious. We hope for good things to happen, not bad. Healthy hope extends to others, not just ourselves. What we experience depends on what we are looking for, what we focus on. Positive people experience positive things.
Perhaps you began 2018 full of hope and found quite a few disappointments along the way. Each of us can look back and see many blessings, most of which we take for granted: clean water, nice homes, good cars, lots of clothes, plenty of food (too much over the holidays, right?), a supportive family, sufficient income, and much more. – To our material prosperity, let’s add spiritual aspirations and hope for a closer walk with Christ, new ways to serve Him, a better grasp of His will, a kind heart and attitude, a letting go of anger and contempt.
Here’s hoping you have a wonderful and blessed 2019!
In Christ,