Event details
- Saturday | December 4, 2021
- 9:30 am
Since 1984, Kitty Snow has helped our church kids make EASY gingerbread houses from store-bought cookies & candy. This year gingerbread house day will be Saturday, December 4th. To insure our kids’ safety, she is asking that parents schedule a time to create gingerbread houses and that everyone wear a mask. By scheduling this way, there can be two or three families at a time spread out at well-distanced tables. A donation of $5 per kid helps with cost of supplies and you can schedule your time by calling Kitty (804) 794-2603 or cell (804) 615-1125, texting to cell, or emailing her at kittysnow@comcast.net. We’ll start at 9:30 AM and go til the last kid has his or her house finished, probably around 1:00 PM.